Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Like a kick in the face, or the hump, or ... whatever

One of the things I love: borrowing books. Do I want a library someday? Yes. Do I love getting and hoarding stacks and stacks of books? Yes. But I still love borrowing books from people and seeing what they love and what they hate and how that makes them who they are.

Recently my very good friend and regular reading laaaaady Rachel lent me a book called Geek Love by Katherine Dunn.

Here's a photo of the cover!

It's not what you think. It is not about charming geeks who fall in love and awkwardly find romance in their tech driven lives.

It is about freaks. Actual freaks. As in, traveling circus, incest with your brother, born with a major deformity, took drugs and radiation while she was pregnant FREAKS.

And it is FANTASTIC.

I'm basically not going to tell you anything about the story because I think you should go into it with the same mindset that I did: That you have absolutely no idea what in the fucking hell is happening.

Every time I thought I had figured out the endgame, and that I knew where the storyline was headed Katherine Dunn turned around and PUNCHED ME IN THE FACE. It was like clockwork, me going "Oh! I think I get it!" and Katherine Dunn going, "WHAT?! BITCH WATCH THIS!"

My only complaint about the book was that the ending was so sudden I almost wasn't certain I understood what happened. In fact, I am positive I had no idea what was happening. But I re-read the ending a few times and I think I figured it out, and the conclusion I came to was that the book ended in the same way the rest of the book unfolded: In a crazy whirlwind of crazy ass shit.

This book gets 4 1/2 stars from Lady Erin, who heartily recommends that you get yourself a copy, and enjoy the feeling of your brain melting into the world of the Binewski circus.

Best wishes,

Lady Erin

(currently reading: The Seagull by Anton Chekhov [translated by Tom Stoppard], The Ghost Pirates by William Hope Hodgson [ebook], and The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx [both because I have to for a class but also because I am a huge nerd and want to read it])

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